Red Hood


Red Hood by Elana K. Arnold is a young adult novel that reimagines the classic fairy tale of Little Red Riding Hood in a dark and empowering light. The story centers around Bisou Martel, a high school girl who discovers she has a unique power after an encounter in the woods on the night of her homecoming dance. This encounter leads her to realize that she can sense when men intend to harm women, drawing her into violent confrontations where she fights back against their intentions.

Set against the backdrop of contemporary society, Red Hood explores themes of female empowerment, consent, and the complex dynamics of relationships. Arnold uses a second-person narrative, pulling readers directly into Bisou’s emotional and physical battles as she navigates her new reality and the legacy passed down through the women in her family.

Published by Balzer + Bray, Red Hood is targeted towards young adult readers.


Located in the following libraries on August 6, 2024:

  • Eureka High School

  • Lafayette High School

  • Marquette High School

  • Rockwood Summit High School



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