Waking up White: And Finding Myself in the Story of Race


Waking Up White: And Finding Myself in the Story of Race by Debby Irving is an autobiographical exploration of race and privilege from the perspective of a white woman who came to understand the systemic forces at play in her own life and in American society as a whole. In the book, Irving uses her personal journey to delve into the complexities of racism, white privilege, and social justice.

Irving begins by recounting her upbringing in a middle-class white neighborhood, highlighting how her environment shaped her understanding of race without her explicit awareness. She discusses pivotal moments and educational experiences that led to her "waking up" — recognizing her role in perpetuating racial inequalities, and her responsibility to combat them.

The book serves as a resource for other white individuals who wish to confront their own biases and learn more about the history and structure of racial disparities. Irving offers insights and practical advice on how to engage in conversations about race, how to question one’s assumptions, and how to take action towards a more equitable society.

Published by Elephant Room Press, Waking Up White is targeted towards readers interested in social justice, racial equity, and personal growth.


Located in the following libraries on August 6, 2024:

  • Eureka High School

  • Lafayette High School

  • Marquette High School



I Hunt Killers


Tilt by Ellen Hopkins